Career College 2.1: Workshop Entrepeneurship
In this workshop you will be introduced to the Valorisation Toolkit, that comprises various tools that can be used to coach young professionals worldwide. The Valorisation Toolkit has recently been developed at Delft University of Technology to foster entrepreneurship. A coherent 10-step entrepreneurship canvas is part of the toolkit. This canvas guides the practitioner in turning an initial idea into a thorough plan of approach for their business that is of value to people, economy and the environment. The steps and methods used are based on the best practices of Delft University of Technology scientists, entrepreneurship teachers, spin-offs and business case developers. The canvas has successfully been used for workshops on entrepreneurship both national as international. Ellen van Andel will introduce you to the various tools, such as the priority map, revenue modelling, value proposition design, business model canvas, market map, customer journey map, and a validation board. You will also experience how to work with one of the tools for customer development.