iCom University Day
The first day of this years iCom, which consists of virtual university visits of the Technical University of Munich and Carnegie Mellon.
Technical University of Munich (11:00 – 12:15)
From the Technical University of Munich two Professors will present some of their work for both Computer Science and Mathematics
- Professor Stefan Weltge (Mathematics) will talk about his research in Linear programming and P vs NP.
- Professor Nils Thuerey (Computer Science) will tell you more about Physics-based simulation.
The link for the Zoom-meeting can be found here. The password for the meeting is 781363.
Carnegie Mellon (14:00 – 15:00)
Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon Marijn Heule will tell you more about his research in Computer Aided Mathematics.
The link for the Zoom-meeting can be found here.