Lunch Lecture: A mathematician’s journey through symmetry
Mathematician and Professor of Mathematics at University of Oxford Marcus du Sautoy reveals how symmetry is a fundamental concept both in the arts and sciences: from the walls of the Alhambra to the Higgs boson, from the music of Bach to deadly viruses. Based on his book Finding Moonshine he will tell the story of how mathematicians have produced a language to be able to explore, tame and classify this slippery concept.
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About Marcus:
Marcus du Sautoy is the Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science and Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of New College. He is author of six books including his most recent book The Creativity Code. He works extensively with a range of arts organisations bringing science alive for the public from The Royal Opera House to the Glastonbury Festival. His mathematical research uses classical tools from number theory to explore the mathematics of symmetry. He applies methods from a wide range of mathematics: zeta functions, algebraic geometry, model theory, analysis, Lie groups and more.
He writes for the Times, Daily Telegraph, Independent and the Guardian and is frequently asked for comments on BBC radio, television and now CH!
Check out this website for more information about Marcus.