General Assembly 1
I am honored to invite you to the General Assembly of the Mathematics and Computer Science Study Association ‘Christiaan Huygens’ on Monday 5 September 2022 at 9:05. This meeting will be held in de Snijderszaal of faculty EEMCS at Mekelweg 4 in Delft.
The provisional agenda for this meeting is as follows:
1. Opening − 9:05
2. Agenda − 9:07
3. Minutes General Assembly 6 dated 9 June 2022 − 9:12
4. Incoming and outgoing pieces − 9:17
5. Announcements from the Board − 9:22
6. Final Policy Report − 9:32
7. Annual Verification Committee Report − 10:00
8. Annual Education Report − 10:20
9. Annual Financial Report − 11:10
10. Annual Secretarial Report − 12:05
The next part of the General Assembly will be held in Dutch.
11. Farewell speech Commissioner Career Affairs − 13:00
12. Farewell speech Commissioner Public Relations − 13:15
13. Farewell speech Computer Science Education Affairs − 13:30
14. Farewell speech Applied Mathematics Education Affairs − 13:45
15. Farewell speech Treasurer − 14:00
16. Farewell speech Secretary − 14:15
17. Election Board 2022-2023* − 14:30
18. Farewell speech Chairman − 15:15
19. Discharge Board 2021-2022 / Installation Board 2022-2023 − 15:30
20. Inaugural speech Chairman − 15:45
The next part of the General Assembly will continue on Tuesday 6 September (in English) due to the constitution drinks of Board 66.
21. Election members Verification Committee − 16:06
22. Discharge members Verification Committee − 16:20
23. Installation members Verification Committee − 16:22
24. Budget 2022-2023 − 16:25
25. Progress Study Visit Committee − 17:25
26. Progress Symposium Committee − 18:25
27. Settlement LuCie – 19:05
28. Settlement LANcie − 19:35
29. A.o.b. − 20:05
30. Question Round − 20:10
31. Closing − 20:15
This agenda is provided with time indications of the start of each of the items.
During this General Assembly, Board 65 will present her annual reports and Board 66 will be elected. The new Board will continue hosting the General Assembly on Tuesday.
At Progress Study Visit Committee, the Study Visit Committee will present the destination of the Study Visit in the summer of 2023. Next to that, they will present a part of the budget for this Study Visit.
At Progress Symposium Committee, the Symposium Committee will present what they have done during the summer break for the upcoming symposium on 18 October. They have also put together an addlist, which they will present here.
At Settlement LANcie, the LANcie will present the settlement of the past AreaFiftyLAN in May.
* At ‘Election Board 2022-2023’, the following candidates will be nominated by Board 65:
Chairman Lars van Tol
Secretary Els Brouwer
Treasurer Jules Fleuren
Applied Mathematics Education Affairs Karel Gimbergh
Computer Science Education Affairs Shirley Li
Public Relations Amanda Krudde
Career Affairs Kasper Vaessen
I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.