Lunch Lecture Computer Science: “But girls just don’t like tech”

At our faculty, 18% of the students and 23% of the scientific staff are women. Increasing these numbers would result in more people who can fill CS vacancies. Furthermore, increased diversity results in more productive and innovative products. But why do we lack women in CS? Several societal factors affect the image of CS professions, self-efficacy and interest development. During this lunch lecture, Shirley de Wit will take you along by explaining the causes, consequences and discussing possible solutions to close the gender gap in CS.

Everyone is more than welcome to join this lunch lecture. Although the topic is focused on women, the lecture itself is not for female students only.


Shirley de Wit is a PhD Candidate at the EEMCS Faculty who focuses on women in Computer Science. With her double master’s degree in Computer Science and Science Communication, she likes combining her technical knowledge and skills with social sciences. Her work includes research on stereotypes, interest development and gender-inclusive education. With her research, she hopes to contribute to closing the gender gap in Computer Science.

A lecture by Shirley de Wit on equality in CS andother STEM directions.

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