Welcome to the MatCH’s Online Rally!
After some heavy deliberations, we are happy to announce the winners of the first Online MatCH Rally! Below, you can find the winners and their runner-ups. The top 3 will be contacted by the MatCH for their prize.
1. | Kasper V. |
2. | Max L. |
3. | Annerieke O. |
4. | Casper M. |
5. | Julian v. |
You can e-mail the MatCH at match@ch.tudelft.nl if you want to know your score or if you want to know a specific solution. Thank you all for participating!
Day 1
Welcome to Day 1 of the Rally: Measuring Monday!
Challenge 1
Take a square with sides 8. The square is folded such that the angle A is in de middle of the side CD. Given this, what is the area of the grey triangle?
Challenge 2
A Pythagorean triangle is a right triangle that can be formed with integral sides. For example a triangle with sides of length 3, 4, and 5. What is the smallest number of matCHes needed to form simultaneously two different (non-congruent) Pythagorean triangles if we allow them to share (parts of) edges? The matCHes may not be broken in any way.
Day 2
Welcome to Day 2 of the Rally: Testing Tuesday! Both challenges will test your logic skills. The solution to both challenges is in the form of a sentence.
Challenge 1
Hint: “Look at your soul, sing along, and share with us.”
8, 2×2
10, 6 8
11, 2 22
12, 23 24 25 26
13, 2^3
14, 2 17
[Update 10/06/2020, 13:00] You might need this:
Challenge 2
Hint: “⁴00 N 5th St, Minneapolis MN ⁵(⁸+3)40¹”
Day 3
Welcome to Day 3 of the Rally: Winner’s Wednesday!
Today, you shall be tested on your knowledge of the fine arts of mathematics and computer science. Also, questions on the study association and on some of the exclusive ‘did you know?’ facts from the MatCH collection will be asked. This will be done with the help of a Kahoot, which you can fill out on every moment of the day. You can find the link here.
You should fill in your own name, such that we know who the score belongs to. Note that you are only allowed to try the Kahoot once, of course. No e-mail is needed for today’s challenge.
Additionally, we have added bonus challenges today. These can be found at the bottom of the page. You can submit these challenges with as many per e-mail as you like, as long as your name, surname, and ‘Bonus challenges’ is mentioned in the subject.
Hope to see you there, and let the Kahoot begin!
Day 4
Welcome to Day 4 of the Rally: Thinking Thursday!
Today the online rally of the Match will consist of three puzzles that lead to three answers. When you have obtained these answers, you can fill them in the sentence below in the corresponding places. When you read this sentence it will be clear what you need to do in order to complete today’s part of the rally. Creativity will be rewarded!
“..(1).. a ..(2).. with ..(3)..”
You can send the final answer to: match@ch.tudelft.nl.
NB: the words in the word finder puzzle can be found horizontally, vertically, diagonally and both forward and backward.”
Puzzle (1):
Puzzle (2):

Puzzle (3):

Day 5
Welcome to Day 5 of the Rally: Festive Friday!
Challenge 1
We will start today’s activity with a ‘chug challenge’. This means you have to chug a bottle or can of a fizzy drink of your choice. Make sure to film it and send it to us. Remember that it is a race to see who can chug the fastest!
Challenge 2
Screenshot this puzzle, solve it, and send us the solution!
- Fill in the missing numbers
- Use the numbers 1 up to and including 16 to complete the equations
- You can use each number only once
- Each row, as well as each column, is an equation
- The calculations should add up to the solution at the end of the row/column.
Obviously, multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.

Bonus Challenges
You can submit these challenges with as many per e-mail as you like, as long as your name, surname, and ‘Bonus challenges’ is mentioned in the subject.
- Photo with all your CH merch
- Photo with your favorite owl (and also mention why for additional points).
- Photo of your most beautiful red outfit
- Forward your favorite high school musical meme
- Photo of you with your favorite tomato juice (and also mention why for additional points).
- Photo of you at a red traffic light
- Photo of you and your home-made red pasta
- Photo of you while social distancing in the supermarket
- Photo of you with a red car
- Photo of your emotion when your bank account is in red again
- Photo of you failing the puzzle on the second day of the rally