Study Visit Committee

The Study Visit Committee has six members and two supervisors, and organises the Study Visit for 30 students, one Mathematics lecturer and one Computer Science lecturer. It will consist of a preliminary program (in-house days and workshops) in the Netherlands in the second semester, and a three-week travel program, in July 2025. It will be a great mixture of education, career and culture.

For more information, visit the website.



Name Position
Niels van den Dool Chair
Scott Jochems Secretary
Dennis Mamedov Treasurer
Duco de Bruin Acquisition
Waded Oudhuis Acquisition
Mayte Steeghs External Relations
Margot van de Klok Qualitate Qua 67
Fleur Maasland Qualitate Qua 67
Tim Stols Qualitate Qua EPA 68
Robine Breedveld Qualitate Qua EPA 68