In addition to the external mentor of the TU Delft, W.I.S.V. ‘Christiaan Huygens’ has had confidential mentors since 2021.

If, as a student, you are experiencing or have experienced undesirable behavior (such as discrimination, (sexual) intimidation, agression, stalking, feeling left out at a certain event or bullying) by a fellow student, a board member, teacher or someone else, you can tell your story to the confidential mentors. They offer you an accessible and confidential listening ear. W.I.S.V. ‘Christiaan Huygens’ has three confidential mentor: Nina Immig, Jaron Rosenberg and Fleur Maasland.

You can contact the confidential mentor via these contact details:

They will contact you within 48 hours to make an appointment.

Nina Immig

‘Hey, I am Nina! I am 22 years old and a fifth-year Computer Science Bachelor. I have been active in CH doing committees such as CHoCo, AnnuCie, HackDelft and the StudyVisit. I have experienced the association as a nice, comforting place, and would like to ensure that everyone can experience it as such as well. If you ever notice anything, or feel not okay feel free to contact me. Whatever bothers you, it is a valid concern to be heard. Hope to talk to you soon!’

+316 41 23 63 22 or send an email to

Jaron Rosenberg

+316 19 99 65 20 or send an email to

Fleur Maasland

‘Hi, my name is Fleur, and I’m currently in my fourth year of the Applied Mathematics bachelor. I am one of the three confidants at CH this year, meaning that I am here to listen (confidentially, of course—it’s in my function name!) to any struggles you may have, so that we can figure out together the best way to help you deal with them. Last year, I was part of the Board of CH and I did some other committees before that. There is a lot to deal with during your time as a student, so it’s not surprising if you’re struggling with something. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you feel that you need it!’

+316 37 55 80 23 or send an email to

They are eager to help every student of our association, so don’t hesitate to contact them!


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