Prof. dr. ir. G. Jongbloed G. Jongbloed (Geurt)
Born: September 25, 1968, Lunteren.
Geurt Jongbloed graduated in Applied Mathematics at TU Delft in 1991. He then pursued his PhD, specializing in statistics. Already as PhD student, he taught various courses in mathematics and statistics. After having received his PhD in 1995, he stayed at TU Delft to create a new bachelor course in Statistics and continue his research for one year. In 1996, he moved to Wageningen, to become internal statistics consultant at the then-called AgroTechnological Research Institute of DLO.
In 1997, he moved to the VU University in Amsterdam and became assistant professor at the mathematics department, with special focus on the study program “Business Mathematics and Informatics”, currently known as “Business Analytics”. This program is a mix of courses from mathematics, computer science and econom(etr)ics. Passion for teaching, developing courses and supervising students grew further in Amsterdam. He was elected Teacher of the Year at the Faculty of Sciences, and ended runner up on the university wide competition.
As full professor of Statistics, he moved back to TU Delft in 2007. Together with the other members of the statistics section, courses were set up, students supervised and projects applied for. The section grew considerably over the years, leading to a broader research- and educational portfolio. In 2013 he was elected Teacher of the Year in the mathematics program. Between 2016 and 2022, prof. Jongbloed served as chair of Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, leaving little time for class room teaching (something he really missed during that period).
He participated as faculty member in the CH Business Tour “Zimmer frei” in 2011. Furthermore, he took part in the iCom-trip to Bologna in 2014. Furthermore, he acted as advisor and chair for various CH symposia.
In 2012, prof. Jongbloed became a Member of Merit and was elected by board 65 on February 23, 2022 as an Honorary Member of W.I.S.V. ‘Christiaan Huygens’.