
New CH event: Mathematical Career Orientation Day

This year, the first edition of the Mathematical Career Orientation Day will be organised by W.I.S.V. ‘Christiaan Huygens’. During this event, students have the opportunity to have one-on-one talks with mathematicians from several companies during the day. The activity will be held on the 4th of April. sign up for […]

MaCHazine Opt-in

Are you still enjoying the MaCHazine? Or are you not receiving it at all? Let us know! After the coming issue, everyone will be removed from the recipient list, so if you still want to receive the MaCHazine, let us know by going to

Happy New Year!

The Board of W.I.S.V. ‘Christiaan Huygens’ wishes you an owl-some 2018! As you might have noticed, the assocation has been closed during Christmas break. We will back again on January 8th.

New Books for Web and Database Systems!

Today, some copies of the book Learning Web App Development for the course Web and Database Systems arrived! Be sure to buy your copy at the book counter before they run out.

Books Q2

The books for the second quarter are available at the book counter of the study association! A new update on the book Web App Development will follow soon.