/Pub foundation
Dear all,
next year there will be changes in the /Pub. The management of the /Pub will be taken over by a foundation. The range of drinks and snacks will be adjusted, there will be renovations and there will be new events. In order to make these changes possible, a foundation board has been formed. The first /Pub foundation board is composed as follows:
Chairman: Bastiaan Bakker
Secretary: Marcel Brouwers
Treasurer: Frederiek Backers
Internal affairs: Rona Roovers
Purchasing affairs: Joris van Breukelen
Barkeepers affairs: David van Beelen
We are trying our best to make these changes happen, but for this we also need your input. That is why we have created a survey in which you can give your opinion on all the changes that will take place in the coming period. The survey can be found by clicking on the following link: wisv.ch/pubenquete.For other questions you can always mail us or contact us at EWI. Our email address is pub-ewi@tudelft.nl .
Kind regards,The first /Pub foundation