Survey Logo and Style
On the 6th of March 1957, our study association was founded. The study association used to be for Applied Mathematics students only, our founders chose the name ‘Christiaan Huygens’. Then CH got a logo, the owl, which can still be seen in our logo. Over the years the association grew in size and went digital, we started to organize a lot more activities. To promote our events, we use a certain promotional style in our posters, website, letters, and banners. The style we currently have consists of the 1’s and 0’s, a bar next to the logo and a specific font. This has been designed five years ago. We use this promotional style to make it more clear for our students that the events are organized by our study association.
We believe that our current logo does not represent the idea we want our association to depict. Therefore we would like to know what you as a member think of the current logo and what it could possibly become. A logo has to match the overall promotion style, so the style might have to be adjusted as well. To see what you think, we have prepared a couple of questions. The survey will take about 4 minutes.