Symposium: Solving Crime in No Time
On 18 October, W.I.S.V. ‘Christiaan Huygens’ will organize a symposium themed: Solving Crime in No Time – The Strength of Digital Forensics. More specifically, it will be about solving real-world crime with digital solutions.
We are happy to announce that Gabriella Adèr will be our chair of the day! She is a podcast- and documentary maker currently working for NRC Media. Her interest in topics such as crime and justice makes her a perfect host for our Symposium.
Furthermore, the day will be filled with talks from our six speakers Ronald Prins, Zeno Geradts, Stefanie Vonk, Klaas Slooten, Paul Fockens and Mary Adams, each of them being an expert in the field of digital forensics. Ronald Prins will talk about the attribution of attackers in cyberspace. He will focus on determining the responsible country for an attack. Zeno Geradts will talk about crime trails such as text messages or data from smartwatches that serve as digital proof. He will elaborate on his research and give some real-life examples. Stefanie Vonk is an expert in financial crime. She will talk about money laundering and fraud supported by every-day examples. Klaas Slooten works in Forensic Genetics, and will talk about the interpretation of DNA mixtures. Last but not least, Paul Fockens and Mary Adams will talk about human trafficking: the recruitment, transportation or transfer of people with the aim of exploiting them for profit. As it is a delicate subject, Fockens and Adams will explain the difficulties that occur when sharing sensitive data and solutions.
Besides the five talks that will be held, there will be a possibility to follow workshops given by ING, Thales, RiskQuest and ABN AMRO Bank N.V. Also, we are happy to collaborate with Deloitte and Harvest.
We look forward to the Symposium! Tickets are available via and cost €5,00 for CH members and €15,00 for non-CH members. See you the 18th of October!