
Career College 1.2 – Challenges as a startup

In this Career College, three startups will tell something about their challenges as a startup and how they solved them. The startups are Peeeks, Warp and Relive. Also YesDelft! Students will come and tell something about the program they have to guide startups! What is it like having a startup? Why […]

Symposium ‘Care for the Future’

October 22nd, the symposium ‘Care for the Future’ will take place in Theatre ‘De Veste’ in Delft. In a day filled with talks, discussions and fun, you will be enlightened by the academics who are currently pushing the boundaries in healthcare technology. Together, they are trying to improve health, bit […]

Freshmen books Computer Science out of stock

Unfortunately, the books of Computer Science, first year first quarter, are out of stock. Starting Monday September 3rd, first year Computer Science students can buy their books again. On Monday September 3rd, the book sale will take place at the Aula, and after that at the book counter of CH […]

Books Q1 are available!

Books for the first quarter are available now at the book counter of the study association. The list of books and prizes can be found here here. First year Computer Science students can for now only buy a package containing all their books. Starting September 3rd, separate books are also available. […]

Opening hours CH summer period

From 9 July until 20 August CH is closed, except for: Monday 9 July 12:00 – 17:00 Tuesday 10 July 12:00 – 17:00 Monday 22 July 11:00 – 17:00


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