Book sale

You can get your books second hand through studieboekswap, or new through the webshop below.

To be able to buy books, you need to be a member of the association and you need a CH account to log into our website. Membership is available for €5 per year. To become a member, please click the button below. If you are a double bachelor student, you can become a member at both VvTP and CH to get books at a discount from both study associations!

Please note: membership is included in the Freshmen Weekend/Day price.

Register for membership

Once you have completed your registration, you can buy your books at the webshop.

Book resale system

Buying second hand books is good for the environment and for your wallet! If you want to sell your old books, or buy second hand books from older students, please visit

This is a collaboration between Christiaan Huygens and studieboekswap, a platform developed by one of our members.




Login to enter the webshop.


For some courses you might need a reader. You can buy these by clicking the link below. Make sure to check if it is the correct year of reader!

What books do I need?

To find out what books are required/recommended by each course, you can check the study guide. Search for your course, and find a section called “Books”, “Literature and Study Materials” or “Literatuur en studiemateriaal”. Here the books for that course are listed. You can find the exact book you need by looking up the ISBN.


Login with your CH account or TU Delft NetID.

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