Welcome to the education page of W.I.S.V. ‘Christiaan Huygens’.
Here you can find all the information you need for your studies and information about the services that we can provide.


The bachelor studies Applied Mathematics and Computer Science and Engineering consist of 180ECTS, divided equally over three years of study. The study programmes can be found in the image below. More information on the contents of the courses as well as the electives can be found here.

Binding Recommendation (BSA)

Being a first-year student at the TU Delft means that you will encounter the Binding Recommendation (Bindend Studieadvies). This means that, in order to continue your study, you need to have 3/4 of your ECTS after your first year; this comes down to 45 ECTS. If you do not meet this requirement, you will be unenrolled for your study and you will not be able to start over with that same study for four years. In March, all students receive an intermediate recommendation from the Study Advisors. The following holds for this:

Recommendation Amount of ECTS
Quit study Less than 15 ECTS
In doubt Between 15 and 22.5 ECTS
Continue study More than 22.5 ECTS

The final recommendation will be given at the end of August. This recommendation will be given based on the entire first year and will include resits during the summer holidays. More information on the Binding Recommendation can be found here. In case you get in trouble with the Binding Recommendation due to personal circumstances, we advise you to contact the study advisor of your study.


A Minor is a cohesive unit of courses that are worth at least 30 ECTS. The minor is scheduled in the first semester of the third year. You are free to construct any minor as long as the Board of Examiners approves it. This is a nice opportunity to study some topics outside of your own study. There are two different kinds of minors; the thematic minor and the individual minor. The thematic minor is a minor that is constructed around a certain theme. The TU offers many of them, which can be found here. If you want to do a thematic minor, don’t forget to enroll for the minor in Osiris during the first registration period during May or the second registration period during July. Individual minors can be chosen for various reasons. You can choose to prepare for a different Master or obtain some experience studying abroad. Constructing your own free minor is also one of the possibilities. Do note that there are some requirements on the minor, so if you are interested in an individual minor, it could be a good idea to contact the study advisor. If you want to read about the experiences that other students had during their minor, be sure to check out our Minor Testimonials!

Overview minors 2021/2022

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Both the Applied Mathematics and the Computer Science and Engineering bachelor offer elective courses. These courses can be used to specialize in a certain direction even before starting the Master. You can find all the elective courses as well as some information on them in the study guide.

Bachelor Thesis

The bachelor ends with a final individual research project. For this project, you choose a topic in a certain specialization. You will then use the knowledge you have obtained in the Bachelor so far and apply that to a research problem and write a thesis about it. The Bachelor project is finished with a written report and an oral presentation within one quarter. In case you wish to do your thesis before finishing all your courses, you are required to have finished all your first-year courses as well as having obtained at least 80 credits afterwards. The registrations for the project are in the first week of the second semester and around that time, many projects will be on Brightspace and/or Bepsys. If you want to get some inspiration and look at theses that students have written before you, you can always visit the TU Delft Repository. Note that in the new curriculum this has changed to a full Research Project, which you will do under a certain research group from the faculty on your own.


This study association covers various masters and all students from these masters can become members and buy most of their books from us. All masters take two years in which the first year is focused on completing courses and specializing in a certain field. The second year is mainly focused on the Master Thesis. After completing that, you can call yourself an Engineer and add the Ir. title to your name!

Individual Study Program (ISP)

In order to pass your master, you need to have an Individual Study Programme. This ISP has to be approved by the Master Coordinator, the chair of the department you plan to graduate and the Board of Examiners. It is advisable to write your ISP when you are halfway through your first year and when you are finished choosing your specialization courses, as it could happen that a course is not approved. If you follow it anyway, it will not count in your study program. It is possible to make changes in your ISP later on by handing in the form required for that, but these changes have to be approved again. All the forms required for your ISP can be found here.

Applied Mathmatics (AM)

Relevant Bachelors Applied Mathematics
Master Coordinator Dr. Ir. M.B. (Martin) van Gijzen
Contents The objective of the MSc programme in Applied Mathematics is to provide students with a thorough knowledge of applied mathematics and to develop their expertise in applying the methods and tools of mathematics to problems in science and engineering. It is therefore crucial for students to obtain broad experience in the simulation and mathematical modeling of such problems, the mathematical analysis of these models and the implementation of the results. Moreover, they should have sufficient insight into the underlying mathematical theory to be able to develop new mathematical methods and techniques, if needed.
More information MSc Applied Mathematics

Computer Science (CS)

Relevant Bachelors Computer Science and Engineering
Master Coordinator Dr. K.A. Hildebrandt and Dr. C. Lofi (Track Data Science and Technology), Dr. S.T. Erdweg and Dr.ir. A.R. Bidarra (Track Software Technology)
Contents The MSc programme in Computer Science is built on the strengths and innovative power of our research groups. The programme will provide students with the flexibility to focus on ‘Data Science and Technology’ and/or ‘Software Technology’, while giving them a broad basis so that they will be equipped to continue innovation in the future. The first year comprises theoretical study, assignments and laboratory work. Students gain in-depth knowledge on fundamental techniques, methodologies and theories that help them to define their field of interest. The second year is largely devoted to specialisation and the graduation project, which involves participating in advanced research or design projects in an academic or industrial environment, in this country or abroad.
More information MSc Computer Science

Embedded Systems (ES)

Relevant Bachelors Computer Science and Engineering and Electrical Engineering
Master Coordinator Dr.ir. A.J. (Arjan) van Genderen
Contents The TU Delft Master of Science Programme in Embedded Systems focuses on the design methodology of hardware and software user environments. It covers a wide spectrum of topics ranging from integrated circuit design, computer architecture, communication networks and real-time operating systems to software engineering and formal methods for embedded applications. As an essential component in the inexorable process of miniaturisation, it is an exciting engineering science of the future.
More information MSc Embedded Systems

Quality of Education

The faculty of EEMCS keeps a close look at the quality of the education that they offer and CH tries to aid them as much as possible. We try to pick up as much feedback or complaints from students as possible and we are in close contact with both the faculty support staff as well as the teaching staff.

Commissioners of Education

W.I.S.V. `Christiaan Huygens’ has two Commissioners of Education, Adnan Husain Cornelissen for Applied Mathematics and Robert van Dijk for Computer Science. Throughout the year, they are committed to maintaining and improving the quality of the education. In order to do this, they are part of the Board of Studies for their respective studies. They always try to ensure that the opinion of the students is heard in these boards. One of the main responsibilities of the Commissioners of Education is to make sure that information gets from the faculty to the students. If anything changes in the examination rules or the curriculum, CH makes sure that this news reaches the students. One example of information that CH provides to the students is the always up-to-date Exam ArCHive.

Student Panels

In order to defend the interests of the students, it is very important for the Commissioners of Education to know what goes on in the lecture halls. The student panels are of great value for that! In the beginning and at the end of each period of education, student panels are held in which we discuss each course as well as a general overview of the period. All the feedback we receive from these student panels will afterwards be communicated to the teaching staff or the Director of Education. CH organizes the following student panels:

  • First year Mathematics (CRW-1) and first year Computer Science and Engineering (CRI-1)
  • Second year Mathematics (CRW-2) and second year Computer Science and Engineering (CRI-2)
  • Third year Mathematics (CRW-3) and third year Computer Science and Engineering (CRI-3)
  • Minor (Mathematics and) Finance
  • Minor Computational Science and Engineering
  • Focus Groups for the Masters Applied Mathematics as well as Computer Science

If you want to be part of one of the panels, be sure to send an e-mail tot the Commissioners of Education through education@ch.tudelft.nl.

Feedback Form

Do you have any feedback, but don’t want to join a student panel, or do you want to give your feedback anonymously? That is possible as well! CH has launched the Feedback Form! You can always visit the Feedback Form at https://wisv.ch/feedback and give all the feedback you want (both positive and negative). Any feedback on education will go directly to the Commissioners of Education and they will handle it appropriately.


Both within the faculty and in the TU Delft, there are various councils and organizations for the students. As CH wants to represent the students in all possible ways, our Board members are part of various councils and organizations. Below, you can find a short summary of them.

Board of Studies (BoS)

In order to give students more influence on the quality and the organization of their studies, a law was introduced in 1997 that said that there must be an appointed Board of Studies for al studies. The BoS consists of 50% student members and 50% teaching staff. Students and lecturers can have very different views on the education that is offered than the other staff of the TU. The Board of Studies always had the right to give solicited and unsolicited advice al all the education related affairs for their respective studies and had the right of approval for the Teaching and Examination Regulations. Since CH gets a lot of feedback and suggestions on the quality of our education, our opinion is always heard and asked for by the Board of Studies. This year, Adnan Husain Cornelissen is part of the BoS for Applied Mathematics and Robert van Dijk is part of the BoS for Computer Science and the BoS for Computer Engineering and Embedded Systems on behalf of CH.

Faculty Student Council (FSC)

The Faculty Student Council is the student group with the most rights within EEMCS. The FSC defends the interests of the students on various topics such as the policy of the faculty and their services. In collaboration with other student organisations, the FSC delivers a constructive contribution to the policy of the faculty. The FSC of EEMCS consists of 10 members; 3 Applied Mathematics students, 4 Computer Science students and 4 Electrical Engineering students. The students that take place in the FSC are elected each year. They can always be e-mailed at fsc-eemcs@tudelft.nl. The FSC has comparable rights to the BoS, but the focus lies on different topics. The FSC has the right to be informed, which means that they have to be informed of everything that goes on within the faculty. That is why the FSC is a very helpful source of information for CH. The FSC has the right of approval as well, meaning that the Teaching and Examination Regulations have to be approved by the FSC before the are published. Once a quarter, a meeting between the FSC’s of all faculties takes place in which questions regarding the current affairs are discussed. This is a place where thy can easily exchange information with each other.

Student Council

The Student Council is the legal partner of the executive board of the TU Delft that represents the interests of the students. The Student Council has an advicing role when it comes to turoring, work spaces and other student facilities. There are also many topics on which the Student Council has the right of approval, meaning that the TU Delft can only execute some plans if the Student Council approves. Currently, there are two parties electable for the ten seats in the Student Council. Those parties are ORAS and Lijst Bèta. This year, ORAS has seven seats and Lijst Bèta has three seats. The elections for the Student Council are held yearly in May.


SVR(-O) stands for StudieVerenigingenraad(-Onderwijs) which translates to Study Associations Council (-Education). Once a month all the Commissioners of Education within the TU and some informants (ORAS, Lijst Bèta, VSSD and YES!Delft Students) come together and discuss the current affairs in their studies. These meetings result in fresh points of view in various problems and sometimes new partners to work with.

Rights and Obligations


The Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER) , sometimes refered to as OER (Onderwijs en ExaminatieRegelementen), are the “laws” of the study. They are established each year and form the rules that the study has to follow. In the TER are the general rules and goals of the study as well as the programm, the courses that have prerequisites and the Honours Program. You can always pose questions or ask for the TER at the Commissioners of Education of CH. The TER can also be found here.

Board of Examiners

The Board of Examiners establishes the exam results, handles individual questions regarding the study progress and acts as a neutral party in conflict between students and lecturers. A request to the Board of Examiners can be done by submitting a form. There are three kind of forms; (1) for a resit, (2) for an exemption and (3) for other requests. You can send an e-mail with a form to BoE-CS-ES@tudelft.nl or BoE-AM@tudelft.nl for Computer Sciece/Embedded Systems or Applied Mathematics respectively. If you consider lodging an objection or submitting a requests, we do advice you to contact the Study Advisors first. Letters submitted to the Board of Examiners must contain a student number, name, adres and signature and must be handed in digitally at least eight days before the next meeting. The days of the meetings can be found on the following pages:

Bachelor-before-Master rule “Harde Knip”

The Bachelor-before-Master rule, in Dutch known as the “Harde Knip” was established in 2010 and means that students must have completely finished their Bachelor studies before starting their Master. Since 2012, the Harde Knip is obligated by law at all universities in the Netherlands. The Harde Knip has two goals: (1) stimulating students to finish their Bachelor studies quicker and (2) encouraging students to consider their Master as a separate study so that they make a more educated decision when they pick their Master. It is now necessary to have a complete Bachelor diploma, but in some cases a finished bridging program or a certificate of English on WO level to start a Master study. In the time a students waits for approval of their Bachelor, it is possible to enroll as a Master student and start following courses. You can, however, only register for exams if the Bachelor is approved, which happens through this form. In previous years, students who found that it was unfair that they could not start their Masters, could start their Masters with some courses in their Bachelors missing. Since the establishment of the Harde Knip, this is no longer possible, so assume that you really need to pass all your courses before starting the Master. If you have any questions or want more information on the Harde Knip, you can always consult the Study Advisors


The VSSD (Vereniging voor Studie- en Studentenbelangen te Delft) is the largest local student union in the Netherlands. The put effort in improving all affairs that affect students, like the quality of education or student housing. Besides this, the VSSD has their own publisher for books and offers student assurances. The VSSD also has a student support point where you can come with all your questions and complaints regarding financing, tenancy, rights in education an many more. The student support point is always open to contact via steunpunt@vssd.nl.


Fraud is a frequently discussed topic, but nevertheless very important. Students must always be aware of what is considered as fraud and what is not. Fraud is NOT tolerated and can have a bad impact on the education at the TU. There are many forms of fraud; it goes from looking at someone else exam, to copying texts from the internet. Don’t let yourself be tempted into this and try to convince your fellow students to do the same. If you suspect someone of committing fraud, you can report this to the Director of Studies or the Study Advisors. This can be done anonymously as well. The FSC also has an anonymous fraud form for this. For more information on fraud, you can visit this website.


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